Friday, January 12, 2018

Spring Preview

Based on a True Story...

Voice-over Guy: After surviving the week of below-freezing temperatures and single-digit wind chills, the weather has finally taken a turn towards a temporary thaw.  With it has come rain and mud.  Lots and lots of mud.

This is a paraphrasing of a conversation that happened in our home last night. 

Hubby: What is this brown stuff all over our kitchen floor?

Me: Dirt.

Hubby: Why is there dirt all over the floor?

Me: (Really, really wanting to be snarky and say that someone came in and dropped dirt all over the floor.) *Sigh* It's muddy outside. Everyone is bringing in mud on their feet. When it dries, it becomes dirt. 

Hubby: Oh. 

After-note: We have lived in this house for eight years now. We have mud season EVERY YEAR. I did not think this was a big surprise to anyone, but hey, I was wrong. 

Also, my daughter is currently obsessed with life hack videos on You Tube. After an article I read a few years ago, I stopped reading/watching any of those, because as far as I could tell they were just common sense. Among other things, the article had to do with.... cleaning up mud off the kitchen floor. Their recommendation: wait until it dried so you could sweep it up rather than trying to mop up the wet stuff. Um, thanks?

If I could also get the humans in my family to leave their shoes in the shoe area (which is before the kitchen), it would also help this problem. Hence the whole "mud room" thing. I don't think there is much hope as far as the corgis are concerned. Their low rider status just attracts mud like a magnet. Every other year I get the bright idea to towel them off as they come in and then run out of clean towels as the stack of dirty towels piles up by the door. Eventually I give up and they make nice little mud patterns with their stomachs on the kitchen floor. Maybe I should have told my husband that the brown stuff was corgi art. 

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