Saturday, May 24, 2014

Our New Addition

We had a new addition to the farm this month, a buckling who has the unfortunate moniker of "Hot Dog."  You would think that something like that came from my daughter, but it was actually my husband.  Unfortunately for the poor goat kid, the name stuck.  At least it doesn't change the fact that he is completely adorable.

Here is Hot Dog with his mother, Fluffball.

Hot Dog has just had a nice milk breakfast from mommy.

Hot Dog enjoying spring.

Hot Dog racing to keep up with the rest of the herd.
Hot Dog showing off.
Hot Dog trying to jump on to his mother.
Hot Dog racing Squeaker.

Now that he's a few weeks old, he's trying to figure out what all the grazing and grass-eating is all about. He keeps bringing sticks and twigs to his mother, trying to impress her.  Between his bouts of jumping, hopping, and general frisking about, he pretends to be a serious grazer with the rest of the goats.  We can tell that he's just nibbling, but it is adorable and gives his mother a much needed break.